Sowing and Reaping

“Be not deceived, God is not mocked; whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” Galatians 6: 7-8 (KJV)

The principle of Sowing and Reaping is played out in the lives of all of us, rich or poor, educated or unlearned, black or white, across nations and kingdoms. Simply put, what you do comes back to you. It may take weeks, months, or years but we never escape the consequences of our actions. 

Think of an actual seed that is sown in the ground. It may take just a few days for that seed to germinate or it may take months based on the type of seed but all the same, a tree grows from that tiny shoot. In spite of the time taken the seed brings forth fruit of its kind, never different.

In Genesis, we read of Jacob’s young son Joseph who was sold into slavery by his own brothers because of envy. Joseph had an excellent spirit and behaved himself wisely even when thrown into jail for doing no wrong. He endured years of hardship during which time the brothers who sold him hid from their father the truth about Joseph’s disappearance. When famine arose those brothers came to Egypt to buy food. Joseph, who was now one of Egypt’s principal leaders, recognised them and revealed himself to them. They were “terrified at his presence” (Gen. 45:3 – NIV) believing he would do them harm for what they had done to him years before. But he said to them “…be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves,…for God did send me …” (Genesis 45: 5).

Family members are known to sow seeds of discord among each other through the words they speak and things they do, resulting in distrust or outright bitterness and hate over time. Only the act of forgiveness can stem the tide of dissension.

What are you sowing in your own family? Is there strife among siblings or other family members because of what someone might have done years ago?  Do we make it our business to pass down to the next generation the wrongdoings of a brother or sister? Why not be the change that is needed? Why not sow seeds of forgiveness and allow love to grow in place of hate? Joseph chose to forgive his brothers, saying to them instead, “… it was not you that sent me [here], but God” (Gen. 45:8).


“Lord help me to forgive, for it is in forgiving that I am forgiven, it is in releasing that I am released. Amen.”

Read: Genesis 45

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 34:1-10; Luke 1:39-56; Numbers 2:10-34; Numbers 3

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